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January 2025
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Engr. Charity Arlene A. Lagante

Municipal Assessor


The OWNER’S COPY of updated tax declaration is requested upon transfer of ownership of the real property from the previous to the new owner and submission of duly registered transfer documents. This is done to update the ownership and assessment record of real properties within the municipality and to transfer tax obligation to the newly declared owner.

Office or Division:

Office of the Municipal Assessor


Complex Transaction

Type of Transaction:

G2C – Government to Client G2G – Government to Client

Who may avail:

Real property owners, private or government, who have acquired the real property thru sale, donation, and others forms of conveyances and who have complete requirements for transfer can request to declare or transfer the subject real property in his name in the tax declaration.



Duly accomplished Client Request Form (CRF)

Office of the Municipal Assessor, LGU Buhi, Camarines Sur

Electronic copy and 1 photocopy of title issued by the Registry of Deeds (ROD) (for titled property)

Registry of Deeds for Camarines Sur, Naga City

Electronic copy and 1 photocopy of the deed of conveyance issued by the Registry of Deeds (ROD) (for sale, inheritance, donation, etc.)

Registry of Deeds for Camarines Sur, Naga City

Certification of real property tax payment up to the current year (original & 1 photocopy)

Municipal Treasurer’s Office, Buhi, Camarines Sur

Transfer Tax Receipt (original & 1 photocopy)

Provincial Treasurer’s Office, Camarines Sur Capitol Complex, Cadlan, Pili, CS

Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (original &1 photocopy)

Bureau of Internal Revenue, RDO 66, Iriga City

Clearance from the Department of Agrarian Reform (if agricultural) ( 1 photocopy)

Municipal Agrarian Reform Office, Iriga City

Copy of approved subdivision, segregation or consolidation plan certified by a geodetic engineer, for subdivided, segregated, consolidated lots only ( 2 copies)

Licensed Geodetic Engineer who conducted the subdivision, segregation or consolidation survey or Lands Management Services, DENR, Daraga, Albay

Certified true copy of latest Tax Declaration (original & 1 photocopy)

Office of the Municipal Assessor, LGU Buhi, Cam Sur

Photocopy/printed copy of tax map ( 2 copies)

Office of the Municipal Assessor, LGU Buhi, Cam Sur






1. Request for service. Client registers in the client’s logbook, fills up the Client Request Form then submit all the required transfer documents. Client waits for the request and documents submitted to be evaluated/verified per office records.

1. EIC receives and evaluates the request, verifies with office assessment records and tax maps, then checks all the submitted requirements for transfer.

(If requirements are in order and complete, request will be processed.

Otherwise, client will be guided on how to secure the needed documents in other government offices.)


1 Hour

Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO II)

Assistant Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2. Processing of the FAAS and Tax Declaration for transfer. (Municipal Level)

* Client gives enough time for the processing of the request at the Municipal Assessor’s Office.

2. Employee- in – charge (EIC) informs the client that requirements is complete and that request will be processed and brought to the Provincial Assessor’s Office for approval and client will also be informed when to come back to receive approved TD. EIC then prepares draft of the Field Appraisal and Assessment Sheet (FAAS), computes the market and assessed values, draft the Memoranda specifying all documents submitted for transfer including the revisions on assessment data, if there is any.


30 minutes

Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO II)

Assistant Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.1 EIC encodes the draft of the Field Appraisal and Assessment Sheet

(FAAS) with the computerized sketch of the lot with boundaries then assigns the TD/ARP No.

30 Minutes

Encoding and Data Processing Personnel

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.2 EIC assigns the Property Identification Number (PIN) then determines the location adjustment factor. 10 Minutes

LAOO II, Tax mapping Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.3 EIC prints the draft of the FAAS. 5 Minutes

Encoding and Data Processing Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.4 EIC reviews the assessment and the transfer documents. 30 Minutes

Assistant Municipal Assessor and Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.5 For complete requirements and correct assessment, EIC prints the final copies of the Tax Declaration and the FAAS. 10 Minutes

Encoding and Data Processing Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.6 Signs as the one who appraised, assessed and recommended the approval of FAAS. 10 Minutes

LAOO II, Asst Municipal Assessor, Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

3. Review and approval of the FAAS and Tax Declaration (Provincial level)

Client waits for the approval of the TD by the Provincial Assessor. Client may also follow it up at the Provincial Assessor’s Office and may personally pick up approved TD at said office.

3. EIC of the office hand carry the processed FAAS and Tax Declaration to the Provincial Assessor’s Office. For urgent transactions, the client may however, personally submit to the Provincial Assessor’s Office, the processed FAAS and TD with the transfer requirements.

3.1 Assessment Division at the Provincial Assessor’s Office reviews the appraisal and assessment and all the required transfer documents. 3.2 The Provincial Assessor approves the FAAS and the Tax Declaration. 3.3 EIC or any staff of the Office of the Municipal Assessor travels to pick up the approved FAAS and TD’s at the Provincial Assessor’s Office.

Note: The frequency of submission to the Provincial Assessor’s Office of all processed transactions is once a week or every after two weeks.

The processing time in the Provincial Assessor’s Office cannot be determined as queuing of transactions submitted by the different municipalities of Camarines Sur is being observed at said office.

Assistant Municipal Assessor or Municipal Assessor or any staff

Office of the Municipal Assessor.

LAOO of the Assessment Division

Office of the Provincial Assessor of Camarines Sur

Provincial Assessor

Office of the Provincial Assessor of Camarines Sur

Assistant Municipal Assessor, Municipal Assessor, or any staff

Office of the Municipal Assessor.

4. Receive

Owner’s Copy of updated TD.

Client signs in the logbook upon receipt of the approved Owner’s Copy of updated TD.

4. EIC informs the client thru text message to pick up the approved TD.

Releases the Owner’s Copy of the approved updated TD to the client. (Note: The client may personally pick up the approved TD at the Office of the Provincial Assessor.)

Office copies of TD and FAAS are retained as office file.


5 Minutes


5 Minutes


LAOO I, Records Management Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor



3 Hours, 15 Minutes *

Note: * Processing time at the Municipal level only. This does not include waiting time at this office for the submission of all the processed FAAS and TD’s within a week or more, travel time in submitting and picking up approved FAAS and TD’s and processing time for the approval of said transaction at the provincial office. Normally, it takes more than a week before an approved TD is released to the client, hence this service is considered as COMPLEX transaction.

The Municipal Assessor’s Office assessment records are used as reference by the Land Tax Section of the Municipal Treasurer’s Office in determining the annual taxes to be paid by owners of real property within the municipality.

This service is requested by clients who found out that there are duplication and/or errors in the assessments of their real properties and in other assessment data such as area, lot number, boundaries, location, declared owner etc.

Office or Division:

Office of the Municipal Assessor


Complex Transaction

Type of Transaction:

G2C – Government to Client

Who may avail:

– Real property owners may request for the cancellation of duplicate assessments on their real property and may request revision and/or correction of area, boundaries, classification, actual use, assessment, location and other erroneous data per valid documents submitted.



Duly accomplished Client Request Form (CRF)

Office of the Municipal Assessor, LGU Buhi, Camarines Sur

Certification of Real Property Tax Payment up to the current year

Municipal Treasurer’s Office, Buhi Cam Sur

Photocopy of Title, Deed of Conveyance, previous Tax Declaration (TD), subdivision plan or other related documents supporting the request

Personal copies on file of the owner/client.

Clients with no reference documents can request from other government offices like the Registry of Deeds (title and Deed of Sale, Donation etc.), previous TD (Office of the Municipal Assessor), LMS, DENR (subdivision and cadastral maps)

Barangay Certification Certification of adjoining owners

or Affidavit of Waiver of Rights

Barangay Captain where the property is located

Certification of adjoining owners on the subject property

Property owner waiving his right over the property

Request for Inspection, if ocular inspection on the property is needed

Office of the Municipal Assessor, LGU Buhi, Camarines Sur

Certified copy of previous and/or latest tax declaration

Office of the Municipal Assessor, LGU Buhi, Camarines Sur

Inspection Report, if necessary

Office of the Municipal Assessor, LGU Buhi, Camarines Sur






1. Request for service. Client registers in the client’s logbook and fills up the Client Request Form then submit all required documents supporting his

request. Client waits for the request and documents submitted to be evaluated/verified.

Client submits request for inspection, if field inspection is needed. Inspection is set as agreed by both the client and the EIC.

1. EIC receives and evaluates the request and all required documents submitted then conducts research from office records,

i.e. old and latest tax declarations, tax and cadastral maps then verifies from reference documents submitted by client. If the request is valid and reference documents is complete, request will then be processed.

Otherwise, client will be guided on how to secure additional documents needed.

Inspection is then conducted, if necessary.

Inspection Report is prepared by the Tax mapping Head which becomes additional supporting document for the request.


1 Hour


3 Hours (may vary depending on the location and the area of the property)

Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO II)

Assistant Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO II) /Tax mapping personnel

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2. Processing of the FAAS and Tax Declaration for transfer. (Municipal Level)

Client gives enough time for the processing of the request at the Municipal Assessor’s Office.

2. Employee- in – charge (EIC) informs the client that requirements is complete and that request will be processed and brought to the Provincial Assessor’s Office for approval and client will also be informed when to come back to receive approved TD. EIC then prepares draft of the Field Appraisal and Assessment Sheet (FAAS), computes the market and assessed values, draft the Memoranda specifying all documents submitted for revision, correction or cancellation.


30 Minutes

Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO II)/

Assistant Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.1 EIC encodes the draft of the Field Appraisal and Assessment Sheet (FAAS) with the computerized sketch of the lot with boundaries then assigns the TD/ARP No.

EIC assigns the Property Identification Number (PIN) then computes the location adjustment factor.

30 Minutes

Encoding and Data Processing Personnel

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.2 EIC prints the draft of the FAAS. 10 Minutes

LAOO II, Tax mapping Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.3 EIC reviews the draft of the FAAS and TD with revised /corrected data or assessment or the Notice of Cancellation and the documents submitted. 10 Minutes

Encoding and Data Processing Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.4 For complete requirements and correct assessment, EIC prints the final copies of the Tax Declaration and the FAAS. 30 Minutes

Assistant Municipal Assessor and Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

Encoding and Data Processing Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.5 Signs as the one who appraised, assessed and recommended the approval of FAAS. 10 Minutes

LAOO II, Asst. Municipal Assessor, Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

3. Review and approval of FAAS and TD at the Provincial Assessor’s Office.

* Client waits for the approval of the TD by the Provincial Assessor. Client may also follow it up at the Provincial Assessor’s Office and may personally pick up approved TD at said office.

3. EIC hand carry the processed FAAS and Tax Declaration at the Provincial Assessor’s Office for further review and approval. None

The frequency of submission to the Provincial Assessor’s Office of all processed transactions may vary from once a week or longer.

Processing time in the Provincial Assessor’s Office cannot be determined as queuing is required for the different transactions submitted by the different municipalities of Cam Sur.

Assistant Municipal Assessor or Municipal Assessor or any staff

Office of the Municipal Assessor

3.1 LAOO at the Provincial Assessor’s Office reviews the FAAS and TD with revision or correction of assessment or Notice of Cancellation per documents submitted.

LAOO at the Provincial Assessor

Provincial Assessor

3.2 The Provincial Assessor reviews and approves the the revised/ corrected FAAS and TD or Notice of Cancellation.

Provincial Assessor

Provincial Assessor

4. Receive Owner’s Copy of revised/corrected TD or approved Notice of Cancellation.

* Client signs in the logbook upon receipt of the approved TD or Notice of Cancellation.

4. EIC or any staff of the Office of the Municipal Assessor travels to pick up the approved FAAS and TD or Notice of Cancellation at the Provincial Assessor’s Office. None

Assistant Municipal Assessor, Municipal Assessor, or any staff

Office of the Municipal Assessor.

4.1 EIC informs the client thru text message to pick up the approved TD or Notice of Cancellation. 5 Minutes

LAOO I in charge of the Records Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor.

4.2 Releases the Owner’s Copy of the approved TD or Notice of Cancellation to the client. Office copies of TD and FAAS and Notice of Cancellation are retained as office file. 5 Minutes

LAOO I in charge of the Records Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor.



6 Hours, 20 Minutes **

Note: * *Processing time at the Municipal level only. This does not include waiting time for the submission of all the FAAS and TD’s processed within a week or more to the Provincial Assessor’s Office, travel time in submitting and picking up processed and approved FAAS and TD’s and processing time for the approval of said transaction at the provincial office. Normally, it takes a week before an approved TD is released to the client, hence this service is considered COMPLEX transaction.

The history of a certain real property (e.g. ownerships, revisions, assessments, etc.) in the different revision periods may be verified at the Municipal Assessor’s Office. This office has an existing record of history of the real property unit which contained relevant information as to its lot number, area, and location, declared owner/s specifying the mode of transfer, TD or ARP No., market value, and assessed value in each revision year period.

Office or Division:

Office of the Municipal Assessor


Simple Transaction

Type of Transaction:

G2C – Government to Client,

G2G –Government to Government

Who may avail:

  • Real property owners or the heirs of real properties may request for the history of real property or tax declarations as reference for the succession of ownerships of the property.

  • The court may also require the history of ownership particularly those properties with disputes and under litigation.

  • DAR thru the MARO also requests history of ownership and assessment of CARP-covered properties.

  • Land Tax Section of the Municipal Treasurer’s Office requests for history as to assessments of real properties in the different revision year periods as basis for the computation of tax delinquencies.



Duly accomplished Client Request Form (CRF)

Office of the Municipal Assessor

Title, Deed of Conveyance

Registry of Deeds

Tax Declaration

Municipal Assessor’s Office

Other related reference documents

Client’s personal file

Letter-request from government offices stating the purpose of the request

Concerned government office

Official receipt for certified copy/certification fee of History

Office of the Municipal Treasurer, LGU Buhi, Camarines Sur






1. Request for service. Client signs in the office logbook, fills up the CRF and states the purpose of the request (client may submit reference documents).

Waits for the copy of the History.

1. EIC evaluates the purpose of the request then verifies the History on file and checks with record of Tax Declarations. Informs the client to wait for the certified copy of History.

PHP 35.00

for certified copy of History

15 Minutes

(may take longer time if no History is on file and additional time is needed for research and preparation of history)

Local Assessment Operations Officer, LAOO I or any staff in charge of records

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2. Client receives a copy of the History requested.


2. EIC initials and signs the certified copy of History issued by the office.


10 Minutes

Local Assessment Operations Officer, LAOO I or any staff in charge of records

Assistant Municipal Assessor or Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.1 EIC records the Certification and issues a printed or photocopied copy of the requested History.

5 Minutes

Local Assessment Operations Officer, LAOO I or any staff in charge of records

Office of the Municipal Assessor



30 Minutes


This service enables client to identify real property lot number and verify its location, vicinity and boundaries from the available tax and cadastral maps on file at the Municipal Assessor’s Office.

Office or Division:

Office of the Municipal Assessor


Simple Transaction

Type of Transaction:

G2C – Government to Client

Who may avail:

  • Real property owners or the heirs of real properties use tax and cadastral maps in verifying the location, vicinity and boundaries of lots. Also, these maps are used as reference to clear or solve boundary disputes. Buyers of real properties also conduct research on the vicinity, location and/or boundaries of properties they want to acquire.

  • Students also request for vicinity and tax maps in connection with their thesis proposals or projects as requirement of their course.



Duly accomplished Client Request Form (CRF)

Office of the Municipal Assessor

Photocopy of title or Deed of conveyance

Registry of Deeds

Tax declaration

any valid reference documents

Municipal Assessor’s Office Client’s personal file






1. Request for service.

Client signs in the office logbook, fills up the CRF stating the purpose of the request and submit reference documents.

1. EIC receives and evaluates the request per reference documents submitted then verifies the location, vicinity, and boundaries of the property from computerized tax or cadastral maps on file.

PHP 35.00

for certified copy of tax map

15 Minutes

Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO II)

Tax mapping Section/ Encoding and Data Processing Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2. Client receives a printed or photocopied map of the property.

2. EIC initials and signs the certified copy of tax map issued by the office


10 Minutes

Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO II)

Tax mapping Section/ Encoding and Data Processing Section

Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.1 EIC presents the requested certified printed or photocopied tax map or cadastral map showing the location, vicinity, or boundaries.


5 Minutes


Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO II)

Tax mapping Section/ Encoding and Data Processing Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor


PHP 35.00

30 Minutes

Tax Declaration (TD) serves as the government’s permanent assessment record for every real property unit (land, building or machinery) located within the municipality. The tax declarations are issued and approved in the different revision year periods and hence are compiled according to its revision year. This office oldest and earliest record of tax declaration was approved in 1945 and the latest record is the 1997 revision, effective from 1998 up to the current year. Records of assessment in the seven revision years are being maintained as public real property record in this office. A certified true copy of tax declaration or certifications of various property holdings, no improvement, with improvement/s, no property and other certifications pertaining to real property assessment can be requested from the Office of the Municipal Assessor after payment of the required fees at the Municipal Treasurer’s Office.

Office or Division:

Office of the Municipal Assessor


Simple Transaction

Type of Transaction:

G2C – Government to Client,

G2G – Government to Government

Who may avail:

  • Real property owners, buyers and sellers of real property need the certified copies of tax declaration and/ or certifications on property assessment as requirement in the payment of BIR taxes and in the registration of their real properties at the Registry of Deeds and for DAR clearance issuances. Clients also need these property documents for bank transactions on real property loan and mortgage purposes.

  • Government offices particularly the Department of Agrarian Reform and the Land Registration Authority request for certified copies of tax declaration and certifications on property assessment.



Duly accomplished Client Request Form (CRF)

Office of the Municipal Assessor

Official Receipt for Certified Copy Fee or Certification Fee plus Service Fee

Municipal Treasurer’s Office

Documentary Stamp Tax (2 pcs per document)

Bureau of Internal Revenue






1. Request for service.

Client signs in the office logbook, states the purpose of the request and submit Official Receipt for Certified Copy and/or Certification Fee on the requested property.

1. EIC

evaluates the request then conducts research from office records. If requested tax declaration is found from office records, photocopies said tax declaration or prints the requested Certification then signs as the one who prepared the printed document.

PHP 35.00 for certified copy or certification fee

25 Minutes

Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO I) in charge of Records Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2. Receive duly signed Certification or Certified Copy of TD.

* Client signs in the logbook after receiving the certified copy of the requested document.

2. EIC signs as the one who reviewed the Certification.


5 Minutes

Assistant Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.1 EIC signs as the one who issued the Certified Copy or Certification Fee. 5 Minutes

Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2.2 EIC presents the requested Certified Copy or Certification to the client. 5 Minutes

Records Management Personnel

Office of the Municipal Assessor


PHP 35.00

40 Minutes

New Tax Declaration (TD) has to be secured by real property owner for newly constructed building and newly installed machinery.

This new tax declaration serves as permanent assessment record of said real property unit. The assessed value determined by the Municipal Assessor’s Office is the basis of the computation of the real property tax obligation of the owner for the building and the machinery.

Office or Division:

Office of the Municipal Assessor


Complex Transaction

Type of Transaction:

G2C – Government to Client

G2G – Government to Government

Who may avail:

  • Real property owners may request for the assessment of the building or machinery and be declared in their name for record and tax purposes.

  • Government agencies like the Department of Education, NIA, DAR, NAPOCOR, LGU’s and other government agencies request to declare in the name of the agency, buildings and other improvements which they owned and which are located within the municipality. These are usually tax- exempt and are considered valuable assets of the government.



Duly accomplished Client Request Form (CRF)

Office of the Municipal Assessor, LGU Buhi, Camarines Sur

Blue print of the approved Building Plan

Client’s file or Office of the Municipal Building Official

Photocopy of Building Permit or Occupancy Permit (2 copies)

Client’s file or Office of the Municipal Building Official

Official Receipt for the purchase of the machinery (1 original and 1 photocopy)

Client’s file

Proof of ownership of the lot where the building is constructed (in the absence of building permit) ( 2 photocopies)

Client’s file

Authority to construct the building or install the machinery( if the owner of the building or the machinery is not the same as the owner of the land where the building is constructed or where the machinery is installed) ( 2 photocopies)

Concerned Land owner






1. Request for service. Client registers in the client’s logbook and fills up the Client Request Form then submit all required documents. Client waits for the request and documents submitted to be evaluated/verified.

1. EIC receives and evaluates the request and all required documents such as blue print copies of building plans, building or occupancy permit. In case there is no building permit, proof of ownership of the land such as title or authority to construct granted by the land owner. For machinery, official receipt for the acquisition of the machinery.


1 Hour

Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO II) Taxmapping Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

2. Site Inspection

Client or building/ machinery owner accompanies the tax mapping personnel during building/machinery inspection.

2. EIC schedules the inspection as agreed with the real property owner and brings building plans or official receipt for the acquisition of the machinery, during the inspectionEIC determines actual structural characteristics, area and other additional items of the building.

For machinery, inspects the actual condition of the machinery.


2 Hours

Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO II) Taxmapping Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

3. Processing of the FAAS and Tax Declaration (Municipal Level)

Client gives enough time for the processing of the request at the Municipal Assessor’s Office.

3. EIC informs client that processed TD is submitted for approval by the Provincial Assessor and that he will just be informed when to pick up the approved TD.

EIC then draws the sketch of the building, determines its actual characteristics, building type and its actual area then computes the market and assessed values of the building.

For machinery, computes the assessment based on the acquisition cost of the machinery.


2 Hours

Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO II) Taxmapping Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

3.1 IC assigns TD No. and PIN then prints the draft of the FAAS with the sketch of the building or prints the draft of the FAAS of the machinery.

30 Minutes

Encoding and Data Processing Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

3.2 EIC reviews the assessment of the building or the machinery.15 Minutes

Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

3.3 EIC prints the final copies of the FAAS and TD.10 Minutes

Encoding and Data Processing Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

3.4 EIC sign as the one who appraised, assessed, and recommended the approval of the FAAS and TD.10 Minutes

Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO II)/Assistant Municipal Assessor

Municipal Assessor

Office of the Municipal Assessor

4. Processing of TD and FAAS at the Provincial Assessor’s Office.

* Client waits for the approval of the TD by the Provincial Assessor. Client may also follow it up at the Provincial Assessor’s Office and may personally pick up approved TD at said office.

4. EIC hand carries the processed FAAS and Tax Declaration at the Provincial Assessor’s Office for further review and approval.


The frequency of submission to the Provincial Assessor’s Office of all processed transactions may vary from once a week or longer.

Processing time in the Provincial Assessor’s Office cannot be determined as queuing is required for the different transactions submitted by the different municipalities of Cam Sur.

Assistant Municipal Assessor or Municipal Assessor or any staff

Office of the Municipal Assessor

4.1 LAOO at the Provincial Assessor’s Office reviews the assessment of the building or the machinery.

LAOO at the Provincial Assessor

Provincial Assessor

4.2 The Provincial Assessor approves the FAAS and TD.

Provincial Assessor of Camarines Sur

Provincial Assessor

5. Receive

Owner’s Copy of TD.

Client signs in the logbook upon receipt of the approved TD of the building or machinery.

5. EIC travels to pick up the approved FAAS and TD of the building or machinery at the Provincial Assessor’s Office.



Assistant Municipal Assessor, Municipal Assessor, or any staff

Office of the Municipal Assessor.

5.1 EIC informs the client thru text message to pick up the Owner’s Copy of the approved TD.5 Minutes

LAOO I in charge of the Records Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor

5.2 Releases the Owner’s Copy of the approved TD to the client. Office copies of TD and FAAS are retained for file.

5 Minutes

LAOO I in charge of the Records Section

Office of the Municipal Assessor



6 Hours, 15 Minutes ***


Note: ***Processing time at the Municipal level only. This does not include waiting time for the submission of all the FAAS and TD’s processed within a week or more to the Provincial Assessor’s Office, travel time in submitting and picking up processed and approved FAAS and TD’s and processing time for the approval of said transaction at the provincial office. Normally, it takes more than a week before an approved TD is released to the client, hence this service is considered a COMPLEX transaction.